Decoding the Working of Encoders

Digital electronics revolve around the conversion of data into different formats that are compatible with certain devices. While conceptualizing them, designers focus on using the minimum number of transmission lines for data transfer. One such space-efficient solution involves the use of encoders.

Used for the conversion of one format code to another, encoders are combinational circuits that produce an output code equivalent to input sequence. The circuit consists of ‘2n input lines that produce output at ‘n’ number of lines. For instance, a 4 to 2 encoder converts 4 input lines to 2 outputs by assigning them a binary code equivalent.

Some of the commonly used encoders include:

  • 4 to 2 Bits Encoder
  • Octal to Binary encoder
  • Decimal to BCD Encoder
  • Priority Encoder

 4 to 2 Binary Encoders

Designed using the OR logic gates, these encoders are available in a variety of configurations like 4 to 2, 8 to 3, and 16 to 4 encoders. Before discussing the working of 4 to 2 encoders, let’s take a look at its block diagram and truth table.

At any point in time, only one input can be high which produces the equivalent binary output.

As the table suggests, when Y1 is high, the output is represented as a binary combination of 1. The same binary combination for 2 is created when input Y2 is at a high state and the sequence goes on.

The working of 4 to 2 encoder is represented by the following equation.

A1 = Y3 + Y2

A0 = Y3 + Y1

Simply put, the OR version of Y3 and Y2 produces output A1. Depending on the disjunction principle, if any of these inputs are high, the output A1 goes to the high state.

Applications of Encoders

The biggest advantage of encoders is the reduced number of bits. Designers use encoders in transmission lines to reduce the number of required cables. Furthermore, encoders are used in data storage circuits to convert digital data into its equivalent code, reducing the storage space.

ADSANTEC provides a variety of digital electronic components to provide speed and accuracy with minimum susceptance to noise and distortion. We provide PAM4 Signal Encoders with adjustable amplitude for all levels of output. Our store provides clock dividers, 4-bit ADC, phase detector, amplifiers, digital filters, and digital multiplexers.

Browse through our products and pick a solution that meets your design requirements.

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