Multiplexers and De-multiplexers: How They Work and Why We Need Them

Multiplexers, along with demultiplexers, form the backbone of modern communication systems. They’re integral to data signal propagation and also play an important role in making communication systems cost-effective.

Even though multiplexers and demultiplexers are extremely common these days, people still struggle coming to terms with their importance. The ADSANTEC team has decided to address this issue head-on by creating an informative guide that details all you need to about these devices.

Join us as we discuss what multiplexers and demultiplexers are, how they function, and why we need them.

What Is A Multiplexer?

In its essence, a multiplexer is an electrical component capable of taking multiple inputs and giving a single output. In other words, we can use multiplexers to send multiple signals on the same line.

While that may not sound particularly impressive or important at first, it’s important to understand what that means for the entire communication system. By analyzing the functionality of multiplexers we instantly understand that they can be used to reduce the number of wires involved in a system.

Furthermore, by reducing the number of components and the number of wires, they also make communications system more cost-effective.

How Do Multiplexers Work?

Okay, we now understand that multiplexers are crucial because they reduce the number of wires and components in the communication system. However, we haven’t addressed how or why this is possible to begin with.

To answer that question, we must first note that there are two main types of multiplexers (analog and digital), and each of these options operate differently.

  • Analog Multiplexersrely either on transistors, relays, MOSFETs or an intricate interconnection of all three to change the voltage or current input sent to the output.
  • Digital Multiplexers rely on high-speed, high-frequency Boolean logic gates to switch data from one level to the other (in binary systems).

What Is A De-multiplexer?

To understand what de-multiplexers are, it’s better to think of them as the exact inverse of multiplexers. In other words, as multiplexers are capable of taking multiple inputs and delivering a singular output, de-multiplexers are capable of taking a singular input and delivering multiple outputs.

Simply put, a de-multiplexer is used to cancel the effects of multiplexing and can be used to extract different signals that were sent and transmitted together. Proper signal coding is done to ensure that there are no overlaps and no information is lost during transmission.

We hope that clears up any confusion you may have had about multiplexers and demultiplexers and that you now know the undeniable importance of these devices.

Where to Buy Multiplexers and De-multiplexers?

If you’re in the market for reliable digital multiplexers and demultiplexers, the ADSANTEC team would love to help.

We provide high-speed, high frequency ICs and electrical components including (but not limited to) clock multipliers, active phase shifter, error detectors and level convertors, etc.

We also have products that perform well on both DC and AC systems!

So, don’t opt for cheap, unreliable products and buy only top-tier digital multiplexers today!

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