The use of logic level converters has increased in popularity in recent years. Ever since circuit designers started using electrical components with different power and voltage ratings, logic levels shot to prominence as they ensure that a circuit doesn’t malfunction due mismatching ratings.
Today we’ll be looking at why logic levels matter and how we can use them in modern circuit design.
Why We Need Logic Level Converters:
Circuit designers know how difficult it can be to synchronize two electrical components of different voltage and power levels. For example, if your electrical network is a 5 Volts system and you mean to directly connect a device rated at 3.3 Volts the circuit simply won’t operate as intended!
This is because the system perceives 5 Volts (or the very least 3.5 Volts as HIGH state i.e. ‘1’). Anything below that voltage threshold is treated as LOW state (i.e. ‘0’). Even though your 3.3Volt rated component will be sending an ON signal, your system will still perceive it as an OFF state.
This can have disastrous consequences especially if the low rating device is a sensor that triggers some safety mechanism. Therefore, to ensure that a higher rated system can properly communicate with a lower rated device, we need to make use of logic level converters.
Digital logic level converters function in a similar way to AC coupling. By normalizing the voltage levels, these devices can be used to ensure that the system works as intended and that no component in your electrical network ever gets burned out due mismatch of power.
Using Logic Level Converters in Circuit Design:
Fortunately, logic level converters are incredibly simple to use. All logic level converter circuit boards have three slots on them, namely; the High Voltage (HV) pin, the Low Voltage pin (LV) and the Ground (GND) pin. Based on this information, you can easily pick up a logic level converter and integrate into the design of your electrical circuits.
Begin by connecting the 5 Volts supply to HV pin and the 3.3 Volts device to the LV of the logic level converter board. Complete the circuit by connecting every device in your electrical network to the common ground and your digital logic level converter will take of everything else!
Finding High-Quality Logic Level Converters:
Finding cost-effective logic level converters is easier said than done. The market is flooded with subpar electrical solutions that don’t operate on their rated power level and can do more harm than good to your electrical network.
Therefore, if you ever find yourself in the need of digital logic level converters, we suggest using our comprehensive online store. The ADSANTEC team goes out if its way to ensure that the electrical solutions that we provide to you are of the highest quality and don’t cause any equipment malfunction or overheating.
Owing to the high quality of our electrical solutions, numerous Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies constantly contact us for all their electronics needs. We provide our clients with reliable logic level converters as well as countless other electrical solutions such as clock distributors, active power dividers, PRBS generators, and high-speed analog to digital converters!
Contact us today to make things simpler and easier for your circuit design team!